Tuesday 10 April 2012

Hommous... Sooooo Easy!!!

 OK... so once again.. it's Hummus.. Hommos...Hommous.. whatever.. I got this spelling from a Kebab shop in Penrith and the kebabs were awesome.. so it must be authentic...

The thought of making Hommous used to scare the you-know whattees outta me until i actually tried it... It's so simple and good for you too... I love to make it for guests to take home and when I make it in front of them they are astounded as to how easy it is.. Hommous adds that Middle Eastern touch to salads and flatbread rolls. You can serve it on everything.. beef.. lamb... chicken.. It goes really well with Labneh Cheese, ripe tomatoes and Lebanese Cucumbers.. just as a quick healthy lunchtime platter.. If you would like a refreshing healthy drink to wash it down with, why not squeeze half a medium lemon into a 1.25ltr bottle of mineral water??.. refreshing.. palate cleansing... and great for your liver too!!!... I always have a container of Hommous in the fridge.. it keeps really well (if it lasts that long)...


1 400gm can of chick peas
1 tablespoon of ground granulated garlic.. you can use raw but it can be a bit bitey
1 tablespoon of Tahini paste.. available in most supermarkets. (refrigerated it lasts for months)
The juice of half a lemon...
1 tablespoon of olive oil

Drain about a 3rd of the chick pea brine out of the can... chuck the peas, brine and the rest of the ingredients in the food processor... all of it... now whizz it up until it's a paste.. you may need to give the blender a shake or spoon it down if it's a bit thick... I like my hommous a little grainy.. but you can add a bit more oil and it will cream up nicely.. NB: when blending be careful not over-blend and split the mixture...

Handy Hint... I always have some in an old squeezable mayo bottle ... add a bit of water until you get a squeezable consistency.. it makes it so easy to add to kebabs and as a salad dressing etc...

I have to tell you.. i bought one of those $30 Rocket food processors from the local $2 shop... you know.. the one's with about 300 different containers??.. a juicer thingy.. and a blender jug....and the containers with the drinking mug handles are a perfect size for this recipe and a tin of Chick Peas fits perfect in em too... not bad for $30 and it's easy to clean up...

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